Year: 2015 | Month: December | Volume 60 | Issue 4

Constraints in Adoption of Soybean Production Technologies in Northern Hill Region of Chhattisgarh Agro-Climatic Zone of Madhya Pradesh

Santosh Kumar Deepak Rathi S.B. Nahatkar Tadayoshi Masuda


A study was conducted to find out the yield gap, adoption pattern, determinants of adoption and constraints in adoption of soybean production technologies. The primary data was collected from 30 farmers selected on the basis of yield levels, as high, moderate and low in the Northern Hill Region agro-climatic zone of Madhya Pradesh. The study revealed that at overall yield level gap-I, II, and III were found to be 47.51%, 18.52 and 59.22%, respectively. More than 90% of respondents were not adopting land levelling, irrigation management, plant protection measures, seed treatment, and nutrient management due to various constraints such as lack of capital, high cost, lack of knowledge etc. Multiple regression analysis showed positive and significant impact of education on adoption of soybean production technologies. The model fitted was found to be bets fit with R2 60%.

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Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics| In Association with AESSRA

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